Trigger with his pals, The Ponies and Apollo. |
Thursday, December 13, 2012
December Horse of the Month- Trigger!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:28 AM
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Participate in "Giving Tuesday": November 27th
As we kick off the holiday season, we can sometimes become caught up in hours of cooking, miles of traveling, and days of extreme shopping. After giving thanks on Thursday and battling for the best sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it is only appropriate to participate in "Giving Tuesday". Tuesday, November 27th is considered "national give back day" implemented to inspire people, families, and businesses to take a collaborative philantropic effort and donate in the name of those less fortunate- to include our majestic equines.
Donations can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one or beloved pet. A card will be sent to the recipient that a donation has been made in their name from you. We have also opened a brand-new online shop to purchase Redwings' gear like sweatshirts, hats, and coffee mugs; 100% of the proceeds go to Redwings, visit to buy anything you would like! There are many ways to donate other than directly giving money, such as: donating hay, horse blankets, fly masks; volunteering at the ranch; or giving the gift of sponsoring one of our horses. Sponsor horses each represent a different plight horses can face and your sponsorship helps provide their care for 1 year. We have recently added 3 new Sponsor Horses to our list. They are Coco, Cyclone, and Apollo. Below is our entire list of 12 Sponsor Horses:
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:49 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Volunteers from Hayashi and Wayland
Ten Hayashi and Wayland employees spent a day at Redwings as part of their "Give Back" program in volunteering. This was their second year coming to help out the ranch. They spent a whole day, from 8 to 5, in the Lockwood sun painting the front fence. Additionally, they enjoyed lunch under the oak tree, played with the office cat (Athena, pictured), and toured the ranch visiting with some of the horses and ponies. Redwings entire staff and equine family are incredibly grateful for these dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. We look forward to seeing you next year!
A very long stretch of fence line along the entrance to Redwings. |
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
2:03 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
An Evening with the Lockwood Girl Scouts!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
2:51 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2012
November Horse of the Month: Ginny!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:01 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Our Newest Foster Horse
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Ricki is unloaded at his new home in the Santa Cruz mountains by Paula. Board Member, Mark Sindel assists Paula in escorting him out, while new foster owner, Alison happily greets him. |
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Ricki delves into his first meal provided by Alison. He is very happy not having to share with a herd. |
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Alison and Ricki pose on the acres of pasture and redwoods that have become his new home. Redwings will miss him dearly, but we know he is now with a phenomenal companion and guardian. |
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:33 AM
Friday, October 26, 2012
Halloween Fun - Oct. 27
One more Day! It’s not too late to tell your friends!!!
Activities, Games, Raffles, Tours, Treasure Hunts, Tricks and Treats, Great fun and mild scares!
Have some Fall fun and dare to be scared.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:12 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Halloween Event Countdown
Saturday, October 27 - less than 48 hours till the hobgoblins go on the prowl!
Noon- Dusk Halloween Fun
Lockwood Ranch of Redwings Horse Sanctuary
47240 Lockwood-Jolon Rd.
Lockwood, CA 93932
(831) 386-0135 for information!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:18 PM
Friday, October 19, 2012
October Horse of the month - Sport
With the elderly owner having little money and being in ill health himself, the horses were slowly starving. Because of the condition of the horses, the owner was to be charged with abuse and the county was scheduled to come to seize the horses. What this meant for the horses was a trip to auction and probable slaughter. Upon hearing the story, several rescues banded together to help determine the fate of these unfortunate animals.
Among the rescued animals was a young stallion named Sport. He and part of the herd made the trip from Montana to Redwings. Some were moved to the ranch without issue, but other weaker animals had to move with stops along the way so they could regain strength.
Sport was gelded – as there are no stallions at Redwings. But that did not prevent him from becoming the “herd protector” when all were reunited at the ranch. As a youngster, he was considered a blue roan but as he matured, he lost the roan coloring to become pure white. He is a handsome gentleman who will approach the golf cart when visitors come to meet and greet them. Happily, none of Sport’s herd shows any remaining vestiges of their near starvation and they are – truly magnificent examples of some of America’s most beautiful wild mustangs.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
3:14 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Two weeks and counting to Halloween Fun

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Noon - Dusk
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
47240 Lockwood-Jolon Rd.
Lockwood, CA 93932
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:26 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
In Case You Missed It: A Glimpse at Open House and Blessing of the Aminals
Long time donors who fly to Redwings 4 times a year from Pennsylvania, Yvonne and Don Buss, help Board Member, Cara McCool decorate the morning of Open House |
Board Member and coordinator of the Blessing, Val Moule welcomes and introduces Rev. Canon Robert Seifert before the ceremony begins. |
Rev. Canon Robert Seifert blesses one of our guest's Austrailian Shepard, while volunteer Nita Tully assists him. |
Redwings Open House was incredibly blessed and very fortunate to have (left to right) Daphne, Malita, and Rachel Denny play during the WHOLE Open House from the blessing through the luncheon. |
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
11:30 AM
Friday, October 5, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Helping each other and the horses who need us
For most of the month of August, we provided hay to four abandoned horses, saw that they had water, and reported regularly to the SPCA humane officers. Our volunteer who first discovered and reported them, tended to them daily. These horses - would most certainly have died of starvation or even more likely - lack of water. Days during August were consistently over 100 degrees.
Fortunately the horses were stabilized and the SPCA was able to come for them and to tend to them humanely - something their owners chose not to do. As we worked with these horses, we recommitted ourselves once again to educating aspiring horse owners to the responsibility and commitment they are making when they become horse owners.
In the words of Dr. Albert Schweitzer, "Whenever an animal is forced into service of men, every one of us must be concerned for any suffering it bears on that account. No one of us may permit any preventable pain to be inflicted, even though the responsibility for the pain is not ours. No one may appease his conscience by thinking that he would be interfering in something that does not concern him. No one may shut his eyes and think the pain which is therefore not visible to him, is non-existent."
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:28 PM
Friday, September 14, 2012
Fort Hunter Liggett BOSS Program Visits
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:08 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
3:33 PM
Friday, September 7, 2012
September Horses of the Month!!!
In order to obtain the estrogen-rich urine, the mares spend about 6 months of the year confined to a 5 x 8 foot stall attached to a urine-collection device. During this period, these mares are unable to take more than a step or two in any direction, turn around or even lie down. These conditions often lead to serious health problems for the mare. As if this weren’t enough, these mares are impregnated within days of giving birth so that they can begin the cycle all over again.

TOP Left - Calypso, MIDDLE Left - Melissa, MIDDLE right - Charisma, BOTTOM right - Lover Boy
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:35 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
August horse of the month - Indy
Due to a busier than usual month - poor Indy didn't make it to the blog on time. None-the-less she was represented here at the ranch and we share her story with you now.
Indy came to Redwings from another rescue facility. She seemed sweet and fine when the rescue picked her up, and tested her for riding. She did well so they fostered her. But something unknown happened after her placement that caused Indy to become extremely fearful of being ridden. Her behavior meant that her foster home and Indy were no longer a good match although she remained sweet when being handled on the ground. The rescue, upon her return, decided that the best thing they could do to insure Indy's well-being, was to approach Redwings as a potential forever home - and we said yes.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
5:17 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2012
July Horse of the Month
Due to the criminal case against Stryder’s owner, the SPCA contacted Redwings in hopes of finding him a safe place to live. To protect Stryder from his former owner, his name was changed and he was quietly moved to the sanctuary.
Little of Stryder’s history before the seizure is known. He does have a tattoo, but we can find no evidence that he was competitive. His story is a great reminder to all of our visitors that racehorses should not just be thrown away when they cannot race. They are beings that have just as much right to a good life as any living being. He also is a reminder of how cruel humans can be to animals and that we need to do what we can to protect these wonderful creatures.
Stryder now lives very happily at the ranch, safe from those who wanted to hurt him, enjoying the peace he so very much deserves. If you have the time during your visit today, go by and say hi to him. And if you are lucky, you will see this handsome horse in full stride, running across his pasture, and you will know why the Arabs have a proverb that says, “The horse is God’s gift to mankind.” He moves with a grace, beauty and speed that is breathtaking.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
10:51 AM
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Small to large - tons of fun! Soledad YMCA visit
Ages 5 to 11 were treated to meeting our smallest residents (Penelope pony) to our largest (Calypso - one of our Belgium workhorse cross horses saved from slaughter).
The visit flew by quickly. In their time with us, we were able to introduce the youngsters to many of our equine family, demonstrate hoof trimming, massage, tell the stories of some of our special horses, and get them up close and personal with the ponies, horses and burros of Redwings.
The youngsters left knowing that these animals are indeed wonderful creatures - and that they deserve the same loving care and respect that all living creatures deserve.
This was their second year visiting - and they said this year was even better than last year. Hope we'll see the Soledad YMCA again next summer!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
1:19 PM
Friday, June 15, 2012
June Horse of the Month: Champ
At Redwings we believe all of our horses represent joy, good fortune, health, and longevity. One of our oldest horses, Champ has been fortunate to relish joy and good fortune during his later years of life.
Champ is approximately 32 years old, a cross between a pony and Arabian horse. What is known of his story begins in San Miguel where he lived next to a winery. He had a fickle owner that lived nearby who occasionally fed Champ, but did not provide him with the complete, quality care that horses require. When the land Champ was living on was sold to the winery that wanted to build a tasting room, Champ could not stay. A kind lady that heard about Champ’s situation took him from the owner, who did not want to deal with re-homing Champ, and paid for his boarding until she could place him in the right hands. With 5 horses already in her care, she knew she could not take another, and since Champ was very gentle and well behaved, she knew she could find him a loving home. She contacted Redwings and explained his situation.
Redwings was happy to take in this handsome guy, although we knew nothing more than the few sentences mentioned above. He now resides in his own are next to the front office where he gets lots of attention from the office staff, visitors, and volunteers. He adores his herd mates that include the ponies, and Apollo, a young gelding. You can frequently find the crew galloping, playing, rolling, chasing, and peacefully grazing in the open pasture that they enjoy daily. He is one of the first horses in the front pasture to greet you upon arrival. He is very curious, sweet, and is truly enjoying his later years of life with good friends, good food, and a beautiful place to call home.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:59 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
San Lucas Girl Scouts visit us June 13, 2012
Top left, the girls and leader get to visit with our very friendly burros. Top right, volunteer and massage trainee, Nita Tulley demonstrates how the techniques she uses on the horses, feel - the girls thought it was really a good feeling and that's what we hope the horses feel too.
And last but not least, farrier and Redwings Board member, Mark Sindel, showed the scouts how to clean feet and even let them try their hand at it.
Following the demonstrations the troop enjoyed lunch and visiting with staff and volunteers under the large oak tree by our office.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:24 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Posture Analysis Class by Jeannette Burrows CMT
We (board, staff, volunteers and horses) are most grateful to Jeannette!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:05 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Leo: May Horse of the Month
Leo’s story begins in Santa Barbara County in 2008 when Animal Services rescued him and another equine friend from a neglectful situation. Leo was fed, cared for, and had surgery to fix a fractured foot. From this, his condition was described as, “mechanical lameness with a permanent limp, but no pain”. In 2010 Leo was legally adopted out to a woman who had fostered him from the county when he first arrived. However, the caring woman fell on economic hardships within a year of owning Leo. Since Santa Barbara County knew they could not keep Leo long term and with a compromised foot, adoption was a long shot, they contacted Redwings.
In 2011, at about 8 years old, Don Leonardo, affectionately called Leo, arrived at his permanent residence at Redwings. He enjoys grazing in the afternoons, frolicking with his dear friends Pegasus and Coco, and splashing in his water trough on hot days. As his previous owner said in good humor, “he enjoys breaking water pipes and sticks his face in the fountain of water. He’s like Houdini with his lips and can open gates. It’s my only complaint, if I had to call it that”. Redwings’ staff can attest that Leo frequently smacks his lips and splashes his water, but fortunately he has not performed any Houdini acts on the ranch.
For such a young man, with a fickle beginning, Leo has maintained good humor, good looks, and cherishes his good friends. As humans, we hope to take lesson from Leo and his humble adventures: despite all trials and tribulations- have fun, win friends, and influence others.
Thank you, Leo.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
2:13 PM
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday April 7
Come to the Lockwood Ranch of Redwings on Saturday, April 7 at 10 am for a free pancake brunch. At Noon - there will be an EASTER EGG HUNT and then at 1 pm there will be a short presentation about welcoming a new pet (or horse!) into your family.
Hope we'll see you!
47240 Lockwood-Jolon Rd.
Lockwood, CA 93932
(831) 386-0135 for questions/directions
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:22 PM
April Horse of the Month - HF Skip Badlands "Boomer"
Boomer now lives at the Lockwood Ranch of Redwings Horse Sanctuary. Here his calmness and excellent training make him a great horse for our new volunteers. He is patient as they learn to groom, lead, work on feet - all the basics that every responsible horse person should know.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:12 PM
Friday, March 2, 2012
March Horse of the Month
Apollo’s life began in 2003 where he was found at about 6 months old by Animal Control to be severely malnourished, weak, and unable to walk. It was recommended by a vet to put him down. Fortunately, Animal Control went against advice and began feeding him milk cow pellets and hay. He improved, gained weight and strength, but his legs and confirmation suffered from initial lack of nutrition, resulting in him unable to ever be ridden. However, thanks to the devotion, empathy, and affection of true animal lovers, he was taken in by a woman who wanted to give him a forever home of peace and love. He lived a beautiful life with her for 7 years until she became ill and could not care for him any longer. She contacted us asking for assistance, and luckily, we were able to provide Apollo with a forever home.
You can frequently find Apollo frolicking and galloping with his friends Champ and the ponies in the front pasture. They put on quite a show during the afternoons, giving the staff and visitors quite a laugh. He is an excellent example of what the tenacity of animal lovers can provide for those that had a daunting beginning.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:59 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Education - our mission!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
3:22 PM
Friday, February 10, 2012
Introducing our newest residents
Meet Dirty Red (left) and Max (right), the newest members of the Redwings family. As retired Border Patrol horses, their walk down from quarantine to join the herd was what you would expect - dignified, orderly and disciplined - no foolishness from these veterans!
Dirty Red and Max are 14 and 15 years old. They came to us because upon retirement (they could no longer handle the long days of hard climbing in the mountains of Tucson,) the U.S. Government needed to place this "equipment" somewhere. The Border Patrol riders felt strongly they wanted and needed to find the "right" places for their faithful mounts and because our experience suggested they'd have trouble finding homes for the horses with health issues - they chose Dirty Red and Max for us to consider. Both horses have problems that were developed in the line of duty. It is our honor to give these retired veterans the safe forever home they deserve.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:10 AM
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Sharing what we know
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
2:15 PM
Friday, February 3, 2012
Carrington College visits and helps Redwings
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
3:00 PM
February's Horse of the Month- Miz Scarlett
Miz Scarlett’s life wasn’t always looking so happy. Before coming to Redwings, she was living with seven other horses in a situation of extreme neglect. The owners had become old and ill and the horses were the ones who suffered most.
When Animal Services found them, it was too late to save one of the herd. But the others were taken to a safe place and rehabilitated. Five of the seven were young enough to be rehomed but Miz Scarlett and another mare were not as adoptable – so Redwings was called.
Here Miz Scarlett is given all she needs and thensome – including love. May this Valentine’s Day be filled with good thoughts and actions of love toward all of our animal friends.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:43 PM