As we kick off the holiday season, we can sometimes become caught up in hours of cooking, miles of traveling, and days of extreme shopping. After giving thanks on Thursday and battling for the best sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it is only appropriate to participate in "Giving Tuesday". Tuesday, November 27th is considered "national give back day" implemented to inspire people, families, and businesses to take a collaborative philantropic effort and donate in the name of those less fortunate- to include our majestic equines.
Donations can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one or beloved pet. A card will be sent to the recipient that a donation has been made in their name from you. We have also opened a brand-new online shop to purchase Redwings' gear like sweatshirts, hats, and coffee mugs; 100% of the proceeds go to Redwings, visit to buy anything you would like! There are many ways to donate other than directly giving money, such as: donating hay, horse blankets, fly masks; volunteering at the ranch; or giving the gift of sponsoring one of our horses. Sponsor horses each represent a different plight horses can face and your sponsorship helps provide their care for 1 year. We have recently added 3 new Sponsor Horses to our list. They are Coco, Cyclone, and Apollo. Below is our entire list of 12 Sponsor Horses:
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Participate in "Giving Tuesday": November 27th
To give you an idea of what your donation can help provide:
- $17 for 1 bale of hay (1 bale can feed 1 horse up to 2 weeks)
- $45 for a farrier visit to trim 1 horses feet (done once every 8 weeks)
- $95 for dental care from a veterinarian
Which ever way you choose to give back to our Redwings' equine friends, you are making a difference in their lives and it not only helps them feel good, but you as well!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:49 PM
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