Thursday, July 5, 2012

July Horse of the Month

This handsome horse is named Stryder and he is July’s horse of the month. He was found when officers arrived on a property to serve a warrant. What they found was a sick and emaciated horse in a nearby pasture. They quickly realized that the owner had gone, leaving the horse to fend for himself. The officials seized the poor sick horse and transported him to a local veterinary office. There he was cleaned up, his hooves trimmed, he was vaccinated and his teeth floated. Then the SPCA took over.

Due to the criminal case against Stryder’s owner, the SPCA contacted Redwings in hopes of finding him a safe place to live. To protect Stryder from his former owner, his name was changed and he was quietly moved to the sanctuary.
Little of Stryder’s history before the seizure is known. He does have a tattoo, but we can find no evidence that he was competitive. His story is a great reminder to all of our visitors that racehorses should not just be thrown away when they cannot race. They are beings that have just as much right to a good life as any living being. He also is a reminder of how cruel humans can be to animals and that we need to do what we can to protect these wonderful creatures.

Stryder now lives very happily at the ranch, safe from those who wanted to hurt him, enjoying the peace he so very much deserves. If you have the time during your visit today, go by and say hi to him. And if you are lucky, you will see this handsome horse in full stride, running across his pasture, and you will know why the Arabs have a proverb that says, “The horse is God’s gift to mankind.” He moves with a grace, beauty and speed that is breathtaking.

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