Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blessing the Animals

Redwings open houses have special themes once a month during the spring, summer, and fall months, and this year’s popular series of open houses has come to a happy end with a special treat on October 17. Father Dennis from nearby Fort Hunter Liggett performed a lovely ceremony to bless the animals at our Lockwood ranch. An air of peace among the people and the horses fell as the blessing proceeded. Father Dennis—known as the patron saint of animals, the environment, and Italy—enjoyed the human and equine company while he walked through the ranch blessing each of them in the cloudless beautiful sunshine. Redwings has hosted many kinds of animal blessings—from Celtic to Native American, and now Catholic.

We invite you to visit during our open houses next year starting in the spring. Some of our long-time supporters even plan their vacation around our open houses—it’s nice to know they think of the horses while they visit the nearby attractions such as the missions and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We’ll announce the new season of open houses on our Web site in 2010, so keep visiting to keep in-the-know.

Please view the video of Father Dennis blessing the horses of Redwings.

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