Friday, February 8, 2013

Topper: February's Horse of the Month

At Redwings we are adamant about helping those in need and educating the public about appropriate horse care.  Topper is an example of a horse that carries out Redwings’ mission, even at the equine level. Topper continued to “work” even after he was no longer able to be ridden.  Through him, veterinary research was able to be humanely explored; other horses were able have improved health and well-being; and many people- public and professionals- were educated. This handsome bay Quarter horse is 19 this month, and in his birthday celebration is our horse of the month!

Topper lived a happy life until he sustained a terrible tendon injury and the vet diagnosed him with a calcified tendon, which meant he could no longer be ridden. His veterinarian knew about a facility that accepted horses for use to collect their plasma and help other horses in need.

When Topper could no longer play this role of helping other horses, his owners were contacted by the facility to let them know Topper had done his service.  The facility knew how much the owners loved this horse and made the extra effort to refer the owners to Redwings.

Topper came to live here where he is committed to a lifetime of community service and equine health and education and deserves his place in the pastures at our Lockwood Ranch. 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Volunteer Class- Saturday, February 16th!

JOIN US at the Lockwood Ranch for Level 1 volunteer class and become an active volunteer! Then you can come anytime during Sanctuary hours, as often as you would like, to interact and help care for your favorite horses, ponies, and burros!
Anyone and everyone welcome- whether brand new to the horse world, curious about equines, or a novice horse lover- come on down!