Awonda is a pretty grey Arabian mare who was living
with other horses in a large pasture in Contra Costa County. Life was good;
they had plenty of green grass, hay, and room to run until one year the grass
dried up and slowly the feed stopped growing. The herd of eight horses had to
walk the whole pasture just to find enough to eat. They began losing weight,
were always hungry, and their owner was no longer coming to see them. They
became covered with ticks and itchy lice but didn’t have the strength to rub
them off.
Their owner had become very ill and he was no longer
able to care for the animals. Then, someone told Contra Costa County Animal
Services about Awonda and her herd. Animal Services came and brought food, then
loaded all the horses into a trailer and took them to a shelter.
Once the younger horses were cleaned of their lice
and ticks and started putting on weight again, they were quickly adopted.
Awonda and her friend Miz Scarlett were older than the others, and although
they were gaining weight, no one wanted them.
Redwings was called and the two horses found their forever home at the
Awonda is now 26 years old and still full of life
and spunk. She can be seen running with
her friends even though slowly but surely a cataract is claiming the site in
one of her eyes. She seems not to have
noticed and rather enjoys every day that she has, running, eating and resting
when she needs to. Here she is safe and
well cared for and as another year begins for Redwings, so does another happy
new year for Awonda.