Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:23 AM
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
11:23 AM
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:15 AM
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
1:33 PM
Gelding Clinic #7
The 7/10/11 Gelding Clinic ran into a scheduling conflict and was cancelled. However Dr. Parks and MRILC will be working with NERN to get the castrations done. The first colt, a 10-month old Arabian, was done on Monday, 7/11. Additional colts will be castrated and updates will be posted when all the colts in the line up have been gelded. National Equine Rescue Resources thanks Dr. Greg Parks of Alamo Pintado Equine Medical Center and Maya Horsey and her crew at Monty Roberts International Learning Center. Also, a big thank you to Redwings Horse Sanctuary for providing funds to help NERN host this event.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:42 AM
Through Redwings' Helping Hooves Program - we are supporting the following to help owners.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:37 AM
Jo Jo was found at auction where he was being ridden by two young children while another child hit him with a rope to make him walk. He was only nine months old? Equines do not reach full maturity until they are 4-5 years old and should never be ridden until they are at least 3 years old. He now has a permanent knee injury due to being ridden so young. He arrived at Redwings in January of 1995. He now lives happily with his other burro friends here at Redwings.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:46 PM