Sometimes news of a sad nature reaches that we can do nothing more than post to our supporters in hopes that we can reach someone that can help.
There was a time when these horses were likely to go to slaughter, now, it is more likely a horse like this is put into labor...literally. Her color is rare, and she is possibly going to be used in someone's back yard breeding operation. Keep your ears and eyes open to discussions or seeing new activity with a new black quarter horse mare that fits the following description.
Subject: Please cross post... stolen horse in Sacramento
Subject: Stolen Quarter Horse Mare - April 17, 2011
My friend, Mary Jo Battilana, had her 14 year old Quarter Horse mare >> stolen
and we are trying to get the word out to anyone involved with horses in >> CA
and NV. Please cross post.
Sunday morning, April 17, 2011, between 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m. >> someone
cut the chain link pasture fencing and stole "Jackie", a 14 year old, >> 14.3
hand, true black Quarter Horse mare. She has a white narrow strip down >> her
face and three varying size white socks. The pasture was located on >> Gerber
Road in South Sacramento, CA. Jackie recently had her feet trimmed and >> is
barefoot. She also has a fresh wound on her right hind leg. It is a >> scrape
wound down to raw flesh on the cannon bone. She is bonded with a gelding
buddy in her pasture, so unless she is sedated she is screaming/calling >> for
him constantly. She is very good looking mare and is a trained stock >> horse,
so someone may have wanted her for rodeo or barrel racing/gymkhana. >> Should
have photos of her in the next day or so.
Sacramento County Sheriff's Department took a criminal report on the >> theft.
Report number is #11-80619.
Please call Mary Jo Battilana at 916-764-8080 if you have any questions >> or
Again, please cross-post!!!
We also want to shout out to an organization responsible for re-uniting lost horses with thier owners.
Cross post and with all the best wishes that when we do this...the horse will be found in her home before we are even done posting!
Thank you!
Michelle Beagle
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Horse thieves today?!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:12 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Artist's Reception Scheduled for May 6th at Artisana Gallery
If you missed the opening night of Claire Metzler's "Horsin' Around At Redwings" show featuring the horses of Redwings Horse Sanctuary, please join us for the May 6th Artist Reception.
This very special art exhibit will delight you! Many of the images show horses laughing, smiling and "Horsin' Around". The best part is you can help Redwings with every purchase! 50% of the artists proceeds are being donated to Redwings Horse Sanctuary!
Admission is free! Complimentary refreshments!
Other artists will be present as well for an evening of
conversation and story telling!
This is an evening not to be missed!
Fri., May 6th, 2011 5-8pm
Artisana Gallery
309 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
1:49 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Junipero Serra School
Junipero Serra School has some amazing youths who did a great thing. They started with 50 non-Profit organizations to investigate and decide if they wanted to donate a grant to. After much research and hard work, it came down to three worthy organizations. Redwings Horse Sanctuary was one of them! We were all excited to hear that we were awarded the grant. The grant money was provided by the Carmel Valley Rotary Club. Thanks to the Rotary Club. Thanks Alex for the introduction and for assisting in inviting Redwings Horse Sanctuary to your school for a really nice educational discussion. Thanks to everyone involved and hope we are invited to speak any time! For any reason! The school is so progressive yet traditional. I loved the visit all the way around. I am glad we were able to get the old VHS running and hope you enjoy the videos I left with you!
A big THANK YOU from the horses!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:47 PM
Friday, April 15, 2011
Art Opening A Success!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who turned out for the opening of "Horsin' Around at Redwings".
The show features a collection of photographs taken at both the Prunedale and Lockwood ranches. Some are cute, some are funny and all are stunningly beautiful! The show will run for 6 weeks and 50% of artist profits will be donated to Redwings Horse Sanctuary by the Artist Claire Metzler.
If you weren't able to make opening night, never fear, Artisana Gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday and is very easy to find. The Gallery is located directly across from P.G. City Hall at:
309 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
(There is plenty of free parking right out front)
Please visit the show and show your support for Redwings. Who knows, you may even find a picture of your favorite equine!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:49 PM
** Redwings Horse Art Show at Artisana Gallery in Pacific Grove **
Today's Redwing's Horse Art Show is at Artisana Gallery in Pacific Grove, CA! (Not at the Lockwood ranch)
Tonight is the Artist's Reception from 6-9 pm.
The show will go on for 6 weeks. Here is the address:Artisana Gallery
309 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
(831) 655-9775
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
12:38 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Art Show April 15th!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
7:09 PM
Friday, April 8, 2011
April Horse of the Month is SUNNY!
With April showers comes the sun to help the flowers grow. I am sitting here looking out on the field that has a fresh batch of hail so deep that it looks like snow, but it really is April and it really is spring. Sunny will help bring in the sunshine at Redwings. Sunny was rescued when she had a foal that tore her birth canal. Unable to afford the surgery to repair her, the previous owner brought her to Redwings. The foal was horribly deformed and had to be euthanized. Redwings was able to take her to U.C. Davis and have her fixed. She's not 100%, but she sure is a great gal. Not much bothers her and she loves the volunteers who come groom her. Be sure to visit her when you come to the ranch! Sunny truly has a Sunny outlook on life, and loves food! Her ears are often softly laid back in deep thought. (In truth probably thinking about food) She is a Purebred Arabian Mare, color Chestnut and she has one of the large blazes we have on the Ranch Faces.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
3:22 PM
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Update on the Gelding looking for a forever home
Thanks to everyone that had a hand in helping this horse. He will be safe!! It sounds like his new home will eventually be one where he can be part of a human and horse bond that will last forever. Good work internet friends of Redwings. We made a difference!!
Michelle Beagle
This post is to help Contra Costa Animal Services find a forever home for a horse that deserves a real chance. He only has until the 8th to be placed! PLEASE help him find a home. Contact information is below. Thanks for anything you can do!
Michelle Beagle President Redwings Horse Sanctuary
Hello everyone,
Once again I find myself asking for your help. Does anyone know who might want to adopt or rescue a 9 year-old (DOB 3/2/2002) bay TB gelding with good ground manner, trailers, wickers and has a very sweet and sunny disposition? He's off the track and sold for 39K at the yearling sales but did not do well on the track.....somewhere along the line he was shod in regular horse we believe he might have some pleasure riding skills? When we found him he had one shoe on, was covered with pressure sores and had a severely infected leg wound that appears to be resolving. He was swollen fro the stifle to the hoof, now he is just stocked up from the hock to the hoof. He is lame but can trot and moves out pretty well which amazes me from his condition. He is a one on the Henneke Scale. He was turned out by his owner or custodian on a rural road and left to fend for himself. Nice huh? He is here until Friday 4/8/11, his due out date. Please help us get him to a forever home or rescue that can rehabilitate him. He's one that doesn't deserve to go the other way, he's too you and too nice..... Currently he is up for adoption for $250.00 to the general public. Anyone working with an approved rescue could make arrangements with them to get him out and placed based on their policies. A#644221, kennel # BN02, Shelter # 925-335-8300. Thanks & happy trails! Ps: I'm sorry if you get this message multiple times, I'm using multiple lists to get the word out.
Sergeant Terry DeCosta Animal Services Department Contra Costa County 4800 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 Telephone (925) 335-8370 Facsimile (925) 335-8371
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:51 PM