There have been stories of hundreds of animals and hundreds of horses needing help in two separate rescues in Montana. Redwings has helped place some cross posts and written a few letters to help where we can.
Last week we received notice of some horses right here in California that have been in trouble for all too long. We didn’t have time to get our supporters to get in on cross posts and publicity for this case, yet the rescuing organization will desperately need help.
I have not heard what kind of health issues these horses face yet, but I am sure starvation and skin infections top the list. When you see horses that deep in the mud, you know there are going to be problems beyond skin infection. There are likely hoof problems that may take months to heal…if that is even possible. When you can see rib lines showing through the thick winter coat, there is some serious nutritional problems.
Redwings horse sanctuary can’t take many horses in to our ranch. We can make a decision on how we can help these horses. For now, please look for the contact information below and contact the REHORSE RESCUE RANCH rescue organization for direct donations. Redwings asks for no money for this rescue. We will be deciding within a few days what we can do for these horses.
I am thrilled the horses are out of there, but they are only just beginning on a long journey to recovery.
Thanks for your attention and assistance.
We will keep you posted with updates as we hear them.
Michelle Beagle
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
1/31/2011 UPDATE
We received a call late yesterday from animal control they would serve the warrant to get the horses out today at 9am. We rallied the troops. All horses are safe in ReHorse's custody. The owner was arrested this morning. Thank you to all of you for your calls and for not giving up. A Big THANK YOU to everyone that helped safely load and transport these horses - Julie Maddox, Kelly Vermeer, Paul Kezis, Lori Teichert, Leeann & Bob Kenyon, Sue Andrus, Maggie, Sharon, and Dr. Tom - Angels Camp Vet
All of the horses are in bad shape and have a long rehabilitation ahead of them. Now the real work and journey begins!
We need to rally the troops again to raise funds to help these horses.
If anyone would like to help the rescue and these horses - ReHorse Rescue Ranch is a 501(c)3 -
DONATIONS CAN BE MADE AT - or mailed to P.O. Box 494, Jamestown, Ca 95327 -
Donations can also be made at any of our local feed stores - Sonora Feed, Radovich Hay, Hurst Ranch Feed and Tractor Supply
Part one of this story…unedited.
-----Original Message-----
From: Raquelle@Rehorse Rescue []
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:23 AM
It is with great sadness and heartbreak that I am forwarding these pictures.
There are 10 horses, 9 mares and a stallion in Copperopolis, Ca living in these horrific conditions. These horses were brought to our attention in January of 2010. At that time we were advised by Calaveras County Animal Control that the owner had until February 2010 to improve the living conditions for these horses or they would be taking legal action. We offered our help at that time to Animal Control as well as the owner to take all of these horses. A concerned citizen emailed us these pictures taken yesterday and Wednesday.
Calaveras Animal Control says the District Attorney now has the file and unless they can prove the owner is not feeding the horses they are unable to seize them. These horses need to be rescued NOW! Not when the county gets their "case" together. So far it's taken more than 2 YEARS!
ReHorse Rescue Ranch is willing to take all 10 horses but our hands are tied. These horses are in mud up to their knees, are not receiving proper feed, vet or hoof care. As you can see, the stallion is currently living in a dog kennel.
Please help them. Forward this email to everyone you know TODAY!
We have tried to contact the TV news station but they are not calling back. If you would like to call the local agencies involved, I am including some phone #'s.
Calaveras Animal Control - (209) 754-6509
Calaveras District Attorney - (209) 754-6330
Darren Spellman - County Supervisor - (209) 786-4585
Monday, January 31, 2011
Copperopolis...? What is happening there!?
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
9:46 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2011
February Horse of the Month
Lover Boy (LB)
Lover Boy is a Belgian Draft horse, descendant of horses used by knights and farmers to better human lives in early times. He is over 17 hands high, and weighs in at a hefty 1900 pounds. His color is debateable, some say palomino, some say chestnut with flaxen mane and tail. Whatever color you call him, he is strikingly handsome. His sister, Calypso lives on the other side of the ranch, she looks a lot like him. Her nickname is “Barbie” because of the lovely long blonde mane and tail.
Lover Boy, or “LB” as we call him, was one of the four foals rescued from the Premarin slaughter sales held in Canada. Redwings originally planned to rescue four fillies, and when LB was brought into the ring he was listed as a filly. When the Redwings Staff went to pick him up and discovered he was a colt, she was told, “you can just pick out some other filly and we’ll send him back into the ring”. Well, Redwings wasn’t about to give him back to be sold again, so he came home with the three fillies.
He will also serve as a reminder of the thousands of foals sold for slaughter from the Premarin farms.
He was named Lover Boy because he was the first foal to be rescued and spent the first night alone (he was only 3 ½ months old, not yet weaned from his mother, and forcibly taken from her). When the three fillies were brought into his corral the next day he was so happy to see them, he immediately gave them all “horse hugs” and was named “Lover Boy”.
When he first arrived at Redwings he was on medication for weeks because of a stress related illness caused by the trauma of early weaning and having been transported hundreds of miles to make it to a safe and forever home.
When LB settled in and was finally able to join a herd, he was put in a herd with some very strong willed horses. The herd was dubbed the pesky boys because they could get into a bit of trouble, and loved to kindly pester people who visited the pasture.
Loverboy spent time in Prunedale with a herd of horses until recently when he became ill and we decided he needed closer watching at our main ranch.
Come visit him in Lockwood.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
8:53 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Update MLAS rescue
The animals in the MLAS rescue in the previous blog still need help! Please go to or their facebook page for donation information. THEY NEED HELP.
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
3:25 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sad news from the North/Update
Montana Large Animal Sanctuary Has Fallen: Here at Redwings Horse Sanctuary, we realize there are horses out there beyond our ability to provide sanctuary. Not only horses, but many species of large animals were involved in the Montana Large Animal Sanctuary failing. It is a sad thing, and it is obvious that the people who ran the sanctuary were not prepared for what happened. There are many organizations involved in helping, and we are doing our part by posting it everywhere we can to spread the need for help. Animeals is helping with the most important need... feed, the number of mouths to feed are still quite high. Seriously, Montana is not a hugely populated place and they need outside help for these animals that are in the biting Montana cold.
Here is the info on Animeals:
Update! Please visit Animeals site to get information about how to donate is: There are regular updates on their site.
Here is a place you can get regular blog updates. It is a real sad story folks.
Animeals is also on facebook:
The story about the sanctuary can be found here:
A little more back history can be found here:
We wish the people who are helping with feed care and placement of these animals the best of luck. Send financial assistance if you can! Redwings is only helping to broadcast this cry for help. Please send donations to Animeals ASAP. The need is urgent!
Posted by
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
4:28 PM